10 Good New Year Resolutions That You Will Want To Make
So here we go. Another year is coming to an end and the beginning of a new one is upon us. Yippy! You didn’t die from being burried alive under breast pumps and baby vomit! You were able to unbutton that button and eat just one more slice of your mother’s incredible pumpkin pie. After gluttoning yourself and eating too much during the holiday season, I, like countless others, have decided to change some things. These changes, which most of us affectionately call “New Year’s Resolutions” can include anything your heart desires.
However, some people are tired of letting themselves down and have come up with a “Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day.” You might be one of these Scrooge-esque people that see more harm than good in making promises to yourself that you’re more than likely going to break, than not. But what’s the fun in that?
You might be asking yourself, “what’s the point in having resolutions? I’m only going to mess up and go back on them in about a month or so.”
Our answer is simple: It’s because they are not the resolutions you should have taken, that’s all!
Stay with us a bit longer and you’ll know what we’re getting at. Being a mum and a professional woman is tough. You have to nail it at your job, manage a home, raise kids and even though family chores are shared 50-50 with your other half (this is wishful thinking on our part), life is still pretty hard. So why make it even harder with super unreasonable New Year’s Resolutions?
This year is the year where you will not decide to eat healthier, drink less or go to the gym every other day. This year won’t be another year where you decide that you will be more involved in your kid’s school or offer them a trip to Disneyland out of the blue. This year, you won’t focus solely on others. This year is going to be YOUR year! And because you will focus on yourself, unwind and self-care, you’ll be in better position to care for others as well. WIN-WIN for EV-ERY-ONE!
So here come those good resolutions!
Be spontaneous and inventive;
Set your own example;
Pamper yourself;
Make self-care your priority;
Don’t be reasonable;
Go out with your girls;
Make the world kinder;
Ditch deprivation diets;
Stop keeping score; and
Learn something new each day!
See, we told you.
No diets anywhere. Because you don’t need it. Yes, you can eat those brownies. Yes, even after Christmas. Life is short, make it worth it. Have fun, eat, laugh, dance. Make resolutions that will make you want to keep them!
More evenings out with your girlfriends for example! Daddy can keep an eye on the kids after all!
You better be amending your list of resolutions now!
Happy 2018!