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5 Reasons Why You Should Start A Blog During Your Pregnancy

There are many reasons to start a blog. Passion, fun, work, you think you’ve got a boring life and you want to add that extra bit of stress to it to do your best to shorten it...says the woman who works a full-time job, is starting her own online clothing boutique, has a family, has a 3 year old and is currently going through a contentious matter with a former landlord (aka “The Slumlord”). But hey, if you’re one of my loyal readers then maybe you will listen to why I think you should document your daily marathon run (pregnancy) and share it with the world.

There are many niches that you could write about. These include: fashion, beauty, food, travel, etc. One niche that is expanding quick and for good reasons is mum blogs. Many mums (and dads also) start their blog to share their experiences with the world and help others with parenting, or any other advice relating to kids. A pregnancy blog is no exception. There are many benefits to starting your own pregnancy blog and here are five reasons why you should, this once, listen to me. 1. Document Your Pregnancy During pregnancy, your body goes through massive physical and psychological changes. You will have certain expectations due to previous readings and education. Whether it’s that you’ll have the pregnancy glow all through pregnancy (myth) or that your feet will stay small and cute (another myth that you should really stop believing), you can share reality with mother’s to be; the good, the bad, and the f-ugly. Writing down the events and changes that take place in your body during pregnancy have many benefits. It could help you to: clear your thoughts, make you more serene, keep a tab for future pregnancies, remember key milestones, and allow others to help you with your experience. 2. Become a Point of Reference Most people start a blog for fun or following a passion for writing. While you will do it for yourself, you will also quickly see that there are some really nice side effects of sharing your experiences and words. You will be a voice out there. You will attract traffic and gather an audience of loyal readers. Most of them will belong to your niche or will be anyone looking for information on pregnancy: women, pregnant women, new mums, teenagers, husbands who gain pregnancy weight with their wives, you name it. Everyone has questions to ask and need answers to these questions. They also need to be reassured. When you share your experiences with the world, you realise you are not alone and you help other women to realise that they are not either. If you treat your blog as a pregnancy diary, document every single aspect, you will become a source information in the world. 3. Start of a New Hobby As previously stated, blogging most often starts as a hobby. You might already have many different hobbies: reading, knitting, running, deciding whether or not you should cancel your ride as the uber driver looks like a weirdo, playing an instrument, etc., but wanting to try something new. Now you can add this to your list of hobbies, you amazing mama-to-be. Managing your own blog can also keep you busy in the evening, at the weekend, when you cannot take part in activities you used to do due to you expecting a baby or just when you are on maternity leave. And you never know, this hobby could turn into a profitable business if you gather an audience big enough that brands and publishers want to work with you! 4. Meet new people The blogging community never stops growing. More and more people get into blogging. More and more blogger events are organized. More and more blogger awards take place too. There are as many opportunities to meet with other bloggers (from your niche or not) as there are gofundme accounts for weird things like watching someone squeeze a sandwich (that a real gofundme call for donations). Either way, it is a great way to meet new people, share your passion, expand your knowledge of the blogging world, and advertise your blog. You might befriend other mum bloggers from your area and have regular meet ups with them. Or regular Sunday brunches. Or afternoon teas. You choose. The blogging world is your oyster...on a bed of crushed ice, with lemons... Is it just me, or are you hungry after reading that last sentence? 5. Add New Skills to your Resume Blogging is not just blogging. There are a wide range of skills you acquire while you blog. Feel free to cut and paste the following skills. You’re welcome.

Blogging helps you to advance your skills in: Content writing, social media and community management, SEO, photography, email marketing, photoshop, branding, video making, etc. These skills are all marketable blogging skills that companies are looking for.

Everything happens online now. You created your own blog (call it your brand), branded it to make it stand out, marketed it to new audiences, managed your community. Companies pay people to do just that. Add those skills to your resume. You never know, they could help you land a job. So, convinced? Starting your blog already?


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